Dr. Karina Zelaya

Dr. Karina Zelaya

Coming from a foreign country, living in the United Stated as an immigrant and as a first -generation college student meant, learning to navigate new cultural, linguistic and academic systems. I was often overwhelmed, lost and fearful of being inadequate and totally clueless as to how to go find information and access the resources available to me as a first-generation student. Looking back now my advice is not to pressure yourself to become someone you are not, go at your pace but do join an on-campus student organization, talk to that staff member, that faculty member, that seems approachable, go to the school’s website, find out what and where the student support services, or general student life support offices are and visit. Oftentimes these are the places where you find the best allies to not only survive but thrive in the college environment!  

Dr. Karina Zelaya - Assistant Professor of Spanish & Central American Study Abroad Program Director